Marriage brings your partner into your family officially and ties two families together.

It provides continuous companionship and a heightened sense of security for you and your partner. But one crucial thing that marriages give is that you will have someone growing old with you, in sickness and health.


Unfortunately, there are still many marriages that struggle and fail.

However, being in a long-term relationship can be scary. It takes effort and commitment for the success of your partnership. It is inarguable that your marriage will stay strong as long as you and your partner can work through any issues and accept each other unconditionally. Unfortunately, there are still many marriages that struggle and fail. Whether your beliefs or communication breakdown is causing friction in your marriage, you should reconsider between working out or ending your marriage.

If you are considering ending the marriage, you may want to continue reading and learn more about the necessary processes. In Singapore, there are two options to legally end your marriage – Divorce and Annulment.


Divorce will legally end a valid marriage. To file for a divorce, you must meet certain requirements and prove that your marriage has broken down irretrievably. They are adultery, unreasonable behaviour, separation, and desertion. You may click here to learn more about the different grounds of divorce.


An annulment is a legal process to dissolve a marriage and declares that the marriage never existed at all. To annul a marriage, you must provide sufficient evidence that your marriage is void or voidable. For a void marriage, you will prove that you have not fulfilled the requirements for a valid marriage. For example, a marriage that is not solemnised in the presence of two valid witnesses. For a voidable marriage, there are certain grounds to prove that the marriage is not valid. For example, a marriage has not been consummated owing to the incapacity or refusal of either party.

Summary of Differences

Summary of Differences

Deciding to cut ties with your partner can be daunting, but please know that you are not alone.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need another pair of listening ears.

However, you should always seek professional advice when considering a divorce or annulment.


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You should seek advice from an attorney or professional who will be able to provide you with the relevant advice before you make any decision.

All details such as names, characters, places, companies and scenarios are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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